A tale of two Bantams

I  recently started working my way through the patterns in the new Merchant & Mills Workbook. Filled with tons of patterns I want to make, I thought I’d just get stuck in and work up to the more complicated projects.

Merchant and Mills
shown with my Arcade sample in Verdigris

My favourite pattern thus far is the racer-back Bantam top and dress. I started with the dress version in a medium weight linen.

Kettle_Yarn_Co_Bantam_dress copy

A simple, quick sew the dress has some lovely details that elevate it to a beginners project you can be really proud of. I was a little concerned about the bias binding being a little too bulky in the same fabric, but it actually worked beautifully.

The only adjustments were to take it in about a cm on the side seam under the arm as that area gaped a bit – easily done before adding the bias tape – and taking the curved hem a few inches up. Hem length is turning out to be a given for me with every pattern as I am very particular about where my hem hits on my legs! It needs to be in a very specific place on my knees or it looks wrong to me. ;-P

I liked the look and feel of the finished dress so much that I immediately started the top version in the left overs of my chevron stag fabric to go with the skirt I made ages ago. The top is a good length that covers the bum but also tucks in well for full skirts. A nice, versatile staple. I need to make these in some solids now. 😉


I’ve discovered the dress also looks great belted and with the samples from the Boardwalk Collection. ;-P

We are heading to Sweden  to visit Maria on the blog tour today. Hear her talk about her beautiful Promenade cardigan design, shown below at the beach in Neckinger:


If you’ve missed any of the tour thus far, check it out:

There are a few more fantastic stops on the tour to come, so make sure you follow along over the next few weeks!

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